Sunday, October 9, 2011

One Word

Kite. Cat. Kit. Aid. Help. Assist. Guide. Map. Radar. UAV. UPS. Brown. Black. Night. Cold. Hot. Burn. Turn. LB. RB. Arby's. Sandwich. Sandvich. Heavy. Sasha. Oh god. Not saying that.
Next topic......MANGO.
Tangerine. Tangelo. Jello. Mellow. Cello. Fellow. Good. Bad. Ugly. Betty. Betsy. Test. West. Adam. Bioshock. Daddy. Doll. Button. Red. Aperature. Science. Sci-Fi. Scientist. Doctor. Medic. Fix. Break. Take. Fake. Lake. Water. Lava. Fire. Burn. Burnt. Toast. Butter. Bread. Fed. Red. Redstone. Obsidian. TNT. Thunderstuck. Lightning.  Lighting. Lights. Light. Lite. Demo. Free. Gift. Card. Access. Granted. Grateful. Grater.

Cheese. Yellow. Bee. Wasps. Hornrts. Shoot. Bullet. Kill. Death. Respawn. Wait. Time. Father. Dad. Brad. Chad. Bad. Fad. Lad. Mad. Sad. Upset. Sorrow. No. Yes. Correct. Right. Left. Up. Down. ABACAB. Taxi. Yellow. Bee. Wasps. Hornrts. Shoot. Bullet. Kill. Death. Respawn. Wait. Time. Father. Dad. Brad. Chad. Bad. Fad. Lad. Mad. Sad. Upset. Sorrow. No. Yes. Correct. Right. Left. Up. Down. ABACAB. Taxi. Yellow. Bee. Wasps. Hornrts. Shoot. Bullet. Kill. Death. Respawn. Wait. Time. Father. Dad. Brad. Chad. Bad. Fad. Lad. Mad. Sad. Upset. Sorrow. No. Yes. Correct. Right. Left. Up. Down. ABACAB. Taxi. Yellow. I AM STUCK.

Mouse. Fox. Talks. Walks. Shocks. Zap. Zorch. Zerg. Zerglings. Protoss. Pylons (build more of them).  Python. Ekans. Arbok.


  1. This was awesome. Good work. Where did you get that picture of the freakin cheese grater slide? awesome but very disturbing :P anyways... DUCES!

  2. That picture is something else. Not the slide i would want to go on. Good choice of words.
