Hello Mr. and Ms. Journal
Today it is a sunny day outside. The air is getting hot; the brew is getting flat. The vultures are squawking with the excitement and anticipation of finding a dead raccoon in the road. This afternoon, when I walked out of my house, the vultures attacked me! I ran back inside to grab the t-shirt gun. Once they saw that, they scattered. I managed to peg just one of them before they were gone. Everyone knows that vultures are not aggressive when angered or provoked. Later, when I walked to the outdoor fish market, I saw a man selling something that I noticed was not fish. The man was Mr. Meandmykatamari. He told me that he was selling vulture meat, so I bought 3 pounds of it. Tomorrow I will roast it in the oven. I hope I don't get sick. Thank you for your time.
FUCHSIA - Character
RGB (204,0,0)- Setting
RGB (106,168,79)- Plot
BOLD- Theme
A death rattle has ignited,
A direct hit, a blazing fireball.
All blast force is extinguished immediately.
Only resistant material is spared.
They open their eyes and mouth, making a chirp-like noise.
They sound close, but the distance is great.
The explosions can be heard up to 100 blocks away!
Often the impact is not seen.
The projectile is quite slow, the shot is reflected back.
The scream!
A tear falls into the lava.
The pigmen go into pursuit mode.
But the tear is in an innaccessable area.
From Ghast
Kite. Cat. Kit. Aid. Help. Assist. Guide. Map. Radar. UAV. UPS. Brown. Black. Night. Cold. Hot. Burn. Turn. LB. RB. Arby's. Sandwich. Sandvich. Heavy. Sasha. Oh god. Not saying that.
Next topic......MANGO.
Tangerine. Tangelo. Jello. Mellow. Cello. Fellow. Good. Bad. Ugly. Betty. Betsy. Test. West. Adam. Bioshock. Daddy. Doll. Button. Red. Aperature. Science. Sci-Fi. Scientist. Doctor. Medic. Fix. Break. Take. Fake. Lake. Water. Lava. Fire. Burn. Burnt. Toast. Butter. Bread. Fed. Red. Redstone. Obsidian. TNT. Thunderstuck. Lightning. Lighting. Lights. Light. Lite. Demo. Free. Gift. Card. Access. Granted. Grateful. Grater.
Cheese. Yellow. Bee. Wasps. Hornrts. Shoot. Bullet. Kill. Death. Respawn. Wait. Time. Father. Dad. Brad. Chad. Bad. Fad. Lad. Mad. Sad. Upset. Sorrow. No. Yes. Correct. Right. Left. Up. Down. ABACAB. Taxi. Yellow. Bee. Wasps. Hornrts. Shoot. Bullet. Kill. Death. Respawn. Wait. Time. Father. Dad. Brad. Chad. Bad. Fad. Lad. Mad. Sad. Upset. Sorrow. No. Yes. Correct. Right. Left. Up. Down.
ABACAB. Taxi. Yellow. Bee. Wasps. Hornrts. Shoot. Bullet. Kill. Death. Respawn. Wait. Time. Father. Dad. Brad. Chad. Bad. Fad. Lad. Mad. Sad. Upset. Sorrow. No. Yes. Correct. Right. Left. Up. Down. ABACAB. Taxi. Yellow. I AM STUCK.
Mouse. Fox. Talks. Walks. Shocks. Zap. Zorch. Zerg. Zerglings. Protoss. Pylons (build more of them). Python. Ekans. Arbok.
YOU have been given a direct order to rock out.
Rock out like you played 1.8 at PAX and YOU are the king now.
Rock out like you just saw a dog wearing a backpack
ROCK out like you are a stone and therefore you are much harder to break than a rock
Rock out like you just learned to DO A BARREL ROLL! (you press Z twice, right?)
RocK out like WASD
rock out like you have been given a direct order to rock out oh wait you have lololl
Are you really rocking out right now?
I hope not.
Because that says that you listen to what people tell you to do on the internet.
And that's NO GOOD!
Rock out like somebody's cold one is given you chills. (guess what im listening to right now)
rock out like you just puched death in the face
and he was like ow
rock out like you just finished portal and not only did you kick GLaDOS's ass but you unlocked some sort of crazy ending where you really do get cake and Cave Johnson gives you a hi-five and you dance with Rick Astley.
Then I was like No way and you were like no way
That was great.